On Oct 11, 2016, at 6:38 PM, K. Fossil user <ticketpersonnal-fos...@yahoo.fr> 
> 1/ I ask for a poll

If you mean your request nearly 4 months ago in the thread about how the 
mailing list is run, a poll isn’t going to affect anything.  This project is 
not a democracy.  Like virtually all other open source projects, it is a 
do-ocracy: that is, those who do the work make the rules.  User voices do 
occasionally sway those who do the work, but ultimately the project runs the 
way they want it to run.

> 2/ I've tried to compile Fossil it did not…

I’ve rebuilt Fossil several times over the past few days.  It still builds just 
as easily as it ever did.

“It did not” is not something we can help you with.  If you want help with 
build problems, post your OS and compiler details along with the error messages 
you got.

> 3/ I asked about a guy's opinion when it comes to Fossil in production use : 
> He said no. Note that he plays with huge projects.

Several very famous people claim that vaccines cause autism, despite decades 
and millions of dollars of research.

Testimonials are not facts, and expertise is relative.

> I've read that a big part of Fossil code is SQL with SQLite which is not for 
> big project. Big projects uses PostGreSQL, MariaDB, Percona, Oracle, IBM SQL 
> (DB2 and so on) …

Project size is almost the very last consideration to take into mind when 
considering the DBMS to use.  Features, cost, administration, etc. are far more 

By your logic, Git is even less suitable to large projects because it doesn’t 
use a DBMS at all, and “everyone” knows that large projects require a DBMS.

SQLite has two major weaknesses compared to the client-server DBMSes you 

1. SQLite proper is not client-server, so it is a bad choice when multiple 
computers need to modify a single DBMS instance.  This is not a problem for 
Fossil because we have “fossil server” which provides that piece.  (Also ssh 

2. SQLite is not well-tuned for highly concurrent access.  This is only a 
problem if you have frequent simultaneous commits.  I don’t mean that two 
commits run concurrently occasionally during the workday, I mean high levels of 
sustained concurrent access.  If that is not happening on your Fossil 
repository, you don’t need a highly-concurrent DBMS as the Fossil data store.

With those two weaknesses eliminated as irrelevant to this particular 
application, there is no reason not to use SQLite and plenty of reason to use 

I suspect that if you reworked the Fossil internals to use a different DBMS 
engine that Fossil would run considerably slower for almost all current users 
of Fossil.  Until you get to dozens or more concurrent accesses, the advantages 
of the big client-server DBMSes aren’t going to show up for Fossil.

(I say that as one who has migrated code from MySQL to SQLite and observed a 2x 
speed increase because the application no longer has all that client-server IPC 

> 5/ And when a project uses the word "steal" I have a big doubt…

That’s a perfectly good idiomatic use of English.  It does not mean what you 
think it does.  Please do not criticize other people’s use of English until you 
have mastery of it yourself.  I’m not trying to be unkind, I am just telling 
you that you have no basis to be criticizing drh’s use of the English language 
given your demonstrated skill level.

(Be assured that I will not criticize your use of French. :) )

> 6/ Ask yourself why people stay with Git/Mercurial …

Easy: network effects.


> b) A fossil release 1.37-rocksolid or 1.37-LTS without compilation problems

We can’t fix problems if you don’t tell us what you’re running into.

I just did a search on this mailing list for your email address, and I can’t 
see any messages detailing your compilation problems.

> c) A strategy for fossil roadmap.

Already done: 


> d) A minimal understanding of Fossil users needs

So tell us: what are your unmet needs?

> (Marketing and stuffs like that).

Marketing is not the correct word if you mean to talk about improving Fossil to 
meet user needs.  Market research is part of it, but that’s only a tiny part of 

I believe you should be talking about community management, not marketing.  
That’s what we’re doing here, right now.  It is why I am answering your email 
instead of ignoring it.

> e) A fossil that do run nicely as it is with git that I do use.

Have you tried the nick.lloyd-git-interop branch?

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