Svyatoslav Mishyn writes:
>> I've put together a python script that is called as a git subcommand and
>> takes care of all of the synchronization under the hood.  Once it's
>> dropped in $GIT_EXEC_PATH I just call `git fossil pull' and `git fossil
>> push trunk' to interact with a fossil remote.
> and you call those commands after a commit/set of commits manually..?
Correct.  The local fossil repository is kept within the .git subdir of
the git clone.  The script just manages the details when I want to sync
up with the remote.
Typical usage would be as follows:
repo.git $ git fossil pull # pull in changes from the remote
repo.git $ # hack hack hack...
repo.git $ git commit -a -m "Changed some stuff"
repo.git $ git fossil push trunk

I have this set up to be a separate step rather than having `git fossil
commit' do the `git commit' for me so that I can e.g. keep private
branches, rebase, delete, etc, before merging my work into trunk and
pushing _that_.

At a cursory glance, it looks like the `fsl' tool would allow you to do
something similar: just define a new `fsl' command that will do the
commit, export, and push all in one step.

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