Hi Warren,

Thanks for the reply.   No TH1 scripts, no hooks.   The only customization
is adding "assigned_to" in the ticket through the GUI.

The icomment stuff must have recently changed.   "User Comments" is
different than "comments".   I used to do +comments and that used to append
to the end of the ticket before.    But if I do that now, it shows up
*before* the user comments entered from the web, which is confusing.

So based on someone's advice on the tcl chat I did icomments.   But I
mistakenly added a + though apparently I shouldn't have.

[ivenkat@a4x128-05 regs]$ fossil sql '.schema ticketchng'
CREATE TABLE ticketchng(
  -- Do not change any column that begins with tkt_
  tkt_id INTEGER REFERENCES ticket,
  tkt_rid INTEGER REFERENCES blob,
  tkt_mtime DATE,
  -- Add as many fields as required below this line
  login TEXT,
  username TEXT,
  mimetype TEXT,
  icomment TEXT
CREATE INDEX ticketchng_idx1 ON ticketchng(tkt_id, tkt_mtime);



On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 9:30 PM, Warren Young <w...@etr-usa.com> wrote:

> On Oct 21, 2016, at 10:22 PM, Venkat Iyer <ven...@comit.com> wrote:
> >
> > Due to some ill-conceived advice and over-enthusiastic scripting
> Do you have some TH1 scripts (hooks, etc) installed?  If so, can you share
> them?
> > fossil ticket set e9d34a2552 +icomment "ivenkat added on 2016-10-21.18:50:20
> PDT:<br>
> > script checked in to [1a8ae0e34f]"
> >
> > This failed with
> >
> > SQLITE_ERROR: table ticketchng has no column named +icomment
> Isn’t that supposed to append your string to the icomment field, not look
> for a +icomment column?
> What do you get from
>     $ fossil sql '.schema ticketchng'
> > I fixed my command.   But this broke all syncs.
> If your other DBs were up to date except for this recent change, you could
> just copy one of those clones over and use that as the new master.  You’ll
> have to set up some things that fossil clone doesn’t copy over (e.g. user
> passwords) but it might be less trouble than fixing the broken repo.
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