On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 3:35 AM, K. Fossil user
<ticketpersonnal-fos...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> a) I don't talk about Fossil. My talk is about inetd/xinetd issue when it
> comes to security.

Oh, I thought we were on fossil-users here...

> You really want to know what an expert in computers security said to us ?
> "Never use xinetd or inetd or something like that."
> Isn't never, never ?
> I don't argue against an expert...

Ok, so why are you posting here instead of simply accepting what you
have been told as a religious dogma?

> c) Age is not a poor gauge, it is a good one when you see the trends : few
> release are signs of few reviews and so on...

Uhm...or more releases are signs of a poor quality/testing/release
OpenBSD releases twice per year, May and November, so how would you
judge such "trend"?

Really, I don't see the point of all of this.
My fault.

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