On 26 October 2016 at 14:37, Karel Gardas <gard...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Anyway, there is small nitpick. While using incremental import on such
> repo, fossil is horribly slow. The pstack command reveals that
> majority of time is spent in import_cmd -> export_marks ->
> mark_name_from_rid call chain. I've solved this by patch below which
> basically just adds index on xmark's trid field. Speedup is from 50-60
> minutes (fossil head) to 30-40 seconds (fossil head + patch) so please
> consider for inclusion if possible -- and if it is correct of course.
> I think the same change may also be added to export.c but I'm not able
> to test it now as I'm not using export for two-way sync yet.

You're saying openbsd import from git to fossil with fossil head is 60
minutes and with your patch and with the same repo on the same
machine, it's not 60 seconds??

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