I don't think "fossil status" writes to the database, so I do not see
how it is possible for it to corrupt the database.  My guess is that
the database was corrupt before.

Please send me your repository by private email.

On 11/24/16, Ron Aaron <r...@aaron-tech.com> wrote:
> I did a 'fossil status' on a smallish repo of mine.  While it was
> running, I did Ctrl+C to stop it.
> When I did 'status' again, it reported a corrupt database.  I tried
> 'fossil rebuild', and get:
>       76.8% complete...
>     SQLITE_CORRUPT: database corruption at line 60013 of [bee2859b95]
>     SQLITE_CORRUPT: database corruption at line 60055 of [bee2859b95]
>     SQLITE_CORRUPT: statement aborts at 23: [SELECT rid, size FROM blob
>     /*scan*/ WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM shun WHERE uuid=blob.uuid)
>     AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM delta WHERE rid=blob.rid)] database
>     disk image is malformed
>     fossil: SQL error: database disk image is malformed
> I've seen this various times, but only now have seen a particular repro
> step. I'm running on Linux (Mint 17.3) with the latest fossil.
> Question: beside simply re-cloning the repo, is there a way to recover
> from this?
> --
> Ron Aaron, CTO
> Aaron High-Tech, Ltd.
> +1 425.296.0766
> +972 52.652.5543
> GPG Key: 91F92EB8
> <https://pgp.mit.edu/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xC90C1BD191F92EB8>
> <http://8th-dev.com>

D. Richard Hipp
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