Thus said bch on Tue, 06 Dec 2016 14:46:23 -0800:

> I've got  a collection of  files who's  apparently only change  is the
> EXECUTABLE bit set, but after a commit, they're still showing up in "f
> chan";  I retried  w/  a  --sha1sum switch;  still  listed as  changed
> (despite the new commit showing up in the "f timel"). touch(1) all the
> affected  files to  bump  the timestamp,  re-commit,  STILL listed  as
> changed (but an entry in the timeline for that commit is listed).

I haven't been able to reproduce this. What version of Fossil?

Here's what I did:

$ fossil new test.fossil
project-id: 8763c2afcfc0adca5366be5f53225459f15c63b4
server-id:  0f0cb472cf82d3dd772996a526a5d69072ffb726
admin-user: amb (initial password is "19e0e7")
$ fossil open test.fossil 
project-name: <unnamed>
repository:   /tmp/test.fossil
local-root:   /tmp/
config-db:    /home/amb/.fossil
project-code: 8763c2afcfc0adca5366be5f53225459f15c63b4
checkout:     01f3812d6588d5dc8a1f396d1698336009f36bde 2016-12-07 03:16:02 UTC
tags:         trunk
comment:      initial empty check-in (user: amb)
check-ins:    1
$ echo $RANDOM > file
$ ls -l file
-rw-r--r--  1 amb  wheel  6 Dec  6 20:16 file
$ fossil add file
ADDED  file
$ fossil ci -m no-execute
New_Version: 1fc3e40325e5fa0e91f7f634f021e2ce840ef9c2
$ chmod 755 file
$ fossil changes
$ fossil ci -m execute
New_Version: db9e561227ae4431b5eff542ac3cea278bb48817
$ fossil time
=== 2016-12-07 ===
03:16:40 [db9e561227] *CURRENT* execute (user: amb tags: trunk)
03:16:28 [1fc3e40325] no-execute (user: amb tags: trunk)
03:16:02 [01f3812d65] initial empty check-in (user: amb tags: trunk)
+++ no more data (3) +++
$ ls -l file 
-rwxr-xr-x  1 amb  wheel  6 Dec  6 20:16 file*

TAI64 timestamp: 4000000058477fc4

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