Thus said "Martin S. Weber" on Tue, 07 Feb 2017 17:04:00 +0100:

> Well,  worthless in  its  ultimate  ratio in  its  current state  (aka
> playing devil's  advocate). Deterministically picking the  wrong thing
> doesn't help. See the email with the fossil output. If I can only pick
> the "other" dev branch by its hash,  then the name of that "other" dev
> branch has become worthless, as it will not resolve to the older one.

I don't think it's entirely worthless, anymore than having two people in
the same room at the same time both having the same name. To address one
or the other, some other indication must be made; for example, one might
move  closer to  the one  that is  intended to  be addressed,  or use  a
nickname, or some other thing.

If I have 2  branches by the same name, I move closer  to the one I want
using the UUID, then further  commits at this point *will* automatically
be applied to that particular instance  of the same branch name, and not
the  most  recent branch  by  that  name. By  that  measure,  it is  not
worthless  because when  I finally  spin  up Fossil  UI to  look at  the
history I  will see the  progress of the  individual branches just  as I

It's interesting to  note that when Fossil was  first publicly released,
there was no  concept of a ``branch'' but only  forks. Notice that there
are 2 long-term trunks and a number of temporary 3rd trunks:

How did one resolve the  difference between the development on different
forks of trunk? UUID.


TAI64 timestamp: 40000000589a3b24

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