Hi all.

I was finally upgrading my fossil server and encountered what I assume
to be a regression. I am using the fossil server with scgi behind an
nginx web server. I am hosting a directory with fossil repositories.
These is my configuration:

The fossil server is started with this
fossil server --localhost --scgi --port 12001 /var/repos

The nginx config:
server {
  listen        80;
  location / {
    include     scgi_params;
    scgi_pass   localhost:12001;
    scgi_param  SCRIPT_NAME "";

Until version 1.36 I could access my projects on from the “/var/repos”
folder like this: “http://myserver.com/myrepo”. When I upgraded my
fossil binary to version 1.37 [fb4b87d9] this does not seem to work
any more.

I got it to work partially by adding the “--baseurl
http://myserver.com/” parameter to the fossil call and configuring
nginx to use “scgi_param  PATH_NAME $fcgi_path_name;”. But that always
led to a redirect when I called the URL from above to
“http://myserver.com//myrepo/index” with an additional slash.

I guess there was a regression introduced somewhere between [8b03934e]
and [fb4b87d9]. I am currently sticking with the older version but
would love to upgrade.

Best regards,
fossil-users mailing list

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