On 3/22/17, Scott Robison <sc...@casaderobison.com> wrote:
> Let's say for the sake of argument that you somehow wind up with two
> modified files in the same commit that have the same hash but different
> contents. Fossil will read back the data it just wrote to ensure what went
> into the repo can be correctly retrieved. One of the two files will fail,
> and fossil will refuse to commit the data will a message. At that point you
> can change a file in some little way to get past the problem.
> In any case, fossil won't allow you to commit two files with the same hash
> given its verification steps.

Scott is completely correct.

I just want to emphasize his "for the sake of argument".  Though it is
possible *in theory* to generate a collision, that is impossible in
practice now that Fossil has switched to using Hardened-SHA1 instead
of SHA1, and is especially impossible when using SHA3-256.
D. Richard Hipp
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