On Mar 26, 2017, at 11:49 AM, Tomasz Konojacki <m...@xenu.pl> wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Mar 2017 19:25:25 +0200
> Christophe Gouiran <bechris13...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I see that most of you complain about this proposed feature.
> TBH, many members of this list live in the UNIX greybeard bubble, and
> that's why there is so much opposition to this feature. They're used to
> the original UNIX way and they have different expectations than most of
> users.

Unix greybeard here: I like automatic pagination, and I expect to use this 
feature if it manages to land in a Fossil release.

Be careful how you swing that broad brush around, you might hit someone.

Automatic pagination comes out of the Unix greybeard world.  As suggested 
up-thread, it was done during the transition from paper teletypes to glass ttys 
without scrollback buffers in the mid to late 1970s, since in that new world 
you couldn’t:

a) read the output in real time as it printed at 110 bps on your Teletype Model 
33 ASR, since glass terminals generally ran at least 10x faster, too fast for a 
human to read in real time; or

b) lift the continuous-feed paper up and read what the computer printed 

Although the original Unix man pages were ruthlessly edited and features culled 
and consolidated to keep man pages to a single printed page, that’s still about 
twice as many lines as allowed on a glass tty of the day.  It was also about 
this time that man pages started to creep beyond single printed pages.

Unix greybeards invented automatic pagination, by necessity.

> there is *nothing* nice about
> fossil dumping thousands of lines to the terminal.

As you’ve seen, that’s debatable.  I happen to fall on your side, but I can see 
the point of those who prefer to just use the terminal scrollback feature or 
manual pipe-thru-pager.

> In fact, I think it scares off newbies who only used git before.

Explain to me how someone deciding between Fossil and Git gets down to 
automatic pagination as the key differentiator, the one that seals their 
fossil-users mailing list

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