On 3/29/2017 3:04 PM, Stephan Beal wrote:
On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 9:52 PM, <sky5w...@gmail.com
<mailto:sky5w...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Yes, change your text files to UTF-8 with BOM(unsure without BOM)
    and Fossil respects °, ±, ©, ®, special characters.

Actually, UTF8 does not typically use a BOM because byte order is
meaningless with UTF8 (the standard allows a BOM but does not require it).


I took my u.tcl file, removed the 'bom' and now both tclsh and wish work.

If I edit the file, of course the utf-8 copyright symbol is garbled. Furthermore, there is no way I can insert a utf-8 character.

Those other symbols that, it seems to me, are in common use such at the trademark and registered characters still seem to work when they appear in a plain text file.

F.I., look at

You can copy and paste the "Peggle®" and paste it into notepad. When you save the file, you will see that the "registered" character is a single character with the hex value \xAE.

I realize that the original html probably used the html &xxx; for that mark, but in a .txt file it is \xAE and it shows as the correct character when I look at it or edit it -- but fossil will display those characters as the black '?'?

I also understand that a program script or, say, C source file can use the utf-8 escape sequence to generate these characters when the program is run. That is not possible in comments tho.

It sounds like I just have to live with the "way it works". At least I now have a better understanding of the issues.

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