In a conversation off-list, I had an idea that might solve several existing 
problems.  What if the current HTTP URL interface of Fossil were expanded to be 
able to do everything that Fossil internally can do, such that it eventually 
implements REST API interface that is functionally equivalent to fossil CLI + 
Fossil UI?

This REST API should not map 1:1 to the existing interfaces, nor should it 
merely expose Fossil’s internal API 1:1.  It needs to be its own thing, 
designed with the high latency and statelessness of HTTP in mind.  But, it 
should be *functionally* equivalent.

This would have the following benefits:

1. With a curl client or libcurl, you could replace libfossil without the 
duplicate effort.  Imagine what this would do for scripting.

2. Those needing the benefits of a non-distributed VCS (e.g. low checkout time, 
single-checkout footprint size for checkouts, etc.) could use a lightweight 
client written against this REST API instead of the full Fossil experience.  To 
such a user, Fossil would operate more like Subversion.

I propose calling that client frapi, standing for Fossil REST API.  Plus, 
coffee allusions seem to make programmers happy.

3. Since the remote REST client does not need to hold large chunks of the 
Fossil DB in RAM, it would probably take much less RAM.

For example, consider checking out a large BLOB.  Does fossil not currently 
pull that BLOB from the DB into RAM and then write a copy of it back out to 
disk in the checkout directory?  A REST API would allow a streaming mode of 
operation: as bytes come from the remote Fossil instance over HTTP, it can just 
write them straight to disk.

This idea could be implemented piecemeal.  Just as the current HTTP API is 
already useful as-is, the REST API should be built up in an as-needed fashion.

Unlike the HTTP API, the default return type of the REST API should be JSON, 
not HTML.

I have little need for such a thing myself, so I’m just throwing this idea out 
there for anyone who thinks it looks like a good itch to scratch.
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