On 5/10/17, David Mason <dma...@ryerson.ca> wrote:
> I have a fossil repo and in it I have a file foo.js that is generated by my
> build process - so I don't want it versioned. But I *do* want it
> distributed, and want it referencable from foo.html - which *is* versioned.
> foo.html and foo.js are *not* served by fossil, but by a simple apache or
> nginx server.
> So in my working directory I create foo.js and then do what to get it moved
> to the master fossil repo.

fossil uv add foo.js
fossil uv sync

> Then on my production machine I do what command
> to get the current version of foo.js from the master fossil repo?

fossil uv sync
fossil uv export foo.js foo.js
OR:  fossil uv cat foo.js >foo.js

> I'm sure it's easy, but the documentation does not give me guidance on this
> simple use-case.
> Thanks  ../Dave

D. Richard Hipp
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