On 11 July 2017 at 15:14, Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
> On Jul 11, 2017, at 12:32 AM, jungle boogie <jungleboog...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> % fossil info stuff
>> But that results in this error:
>> SQLITE_CANTOPEN: cannot open file at line 36100 of [284707a7b3]
>> SQLITE_CANTOPEN: os_unix.c:36100: (21) 
>> open(/usr/home/jungle/fossil-repos/repo/stuff) - Is a directory
>> fossil: [stuff]: unable to open database file
>> So can a tag not have the same name as its directory?
> That’s not it.  If you give a file name here, Fossil assumes it is a 
> repository file, and fails to open it if it isn’t a file.   You can cause the 
> same error with “fossil info .”

Ah, indeed I do trip over the same SQLITECANTOPEN warning when
specifying the current directory.

> Very early in my Fossil indoctrination process, I had the “svn info filename” 
> habit beaten out of my finger memory because “fossil info” simply doesn’t do 
> the same thing as “svn info”.   Consequently, my ongoing assumption up to 
> this thread was that “fossil info” doesn’t accept file names; that’s what 
> “finfo” is for.

Right, finfo is very nice for that.

> That aside, I think the thing for Fossil to do here is to try looking for a 
> VERSION match before testing whether the parameter names a local file.  The 
> chances of a local repository file name matching a tag or version hash in the 
> local repository are far smaller than having a tag or version that just 
> happens to match the name of a local file.

Is there at least a workaround in Fossil to report info on a tag if
there's a directory with the same name? Using the webapp I suppose it
a workaround.


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