On 7/23/17, Thomas <tho...@dateiliste.com> wrote:
> I've noticed very early that sometimes there's a rectangle around the
> leaf in the web interface and sometimes there isn't.

When you do "fossil ui" from an open check-out, that rectangle is
drawn around whatever version you currently have checked out.  It is
not necessary a leaf, though it usually is because you usually have a
leaf as your check-out.  But it might be a different check-out if you
have been bisecting, or if you are working on a branch, or if you
somebody else has checked in something new on top of the version you
are currently sitting on.

That rectangle is now shown in remote copies of the timeline since
they are not being run from within an active checkout, and even if
they were, knowing what is checked out on the server is probably not
very useful to you.

D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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