On May 11 17 15:43, Ross Berteig wrote:
> On 5/11/2017 2:48 PM, Sergei Gavrikov wrote:
> > 
> >   $ echo ./configure ... | sed 's/--with-[^[:space:]]\+/&=1/g' | sh
> Problem is --with-openssl=/local/ssl   doesn't fit that pattern. Nor does
> --with-zlib which also takes a variety of string values. I don't see why the
> author of autosetup arbitrarily decided to change the meaning of --with-x.
> There's no mention of that in his Git comments, nor any issue that requests
> the change.
> If it were only boolean flags, we can solve that by fixing auto.def to
> rename the flags without the with- prefix. But there are those pesky string
> valued options...
> And I don't want to make my build and test automation depend too much on
> which version it is building. That is the whole point of using autosetup!

Sorry for being late to the game, but I just checked out 2.3 and
--with-tcl=/usr/local/lib/tcl8.6 fails with 
Error: Boolean option with-tcl given as --with-tcl=/usr/local/lib/tcl8.6

Due to http://fossil-scm.org/index.html/info/27e65b0730314d0b.

I still don't understand why that was needed and what it's supposed to fix.

Pietro Cerutti

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