I was introduced to Fossil about three years ago. It is the first VCS I have 
actually used extensively for my own work and as such I haven't really had much 
to compare it with.
However, now I'm in the realm of contributing code I am having to learn how to 
make use of other systems as well.
For the purposes of my experiments, I have been comparing Fossil alongside Git, 
as this seems to be the popular alternative and there is a comparison sheet 
describing many areas of difference between Fossil and Git.
For the most part, Fossil has many advantages over Git. Though I couldn't help 
noticing there seemed to be a silence on speed comparisons. There is a separate 
article on performance statistics that again doesn't even mention speed.

After cloning and working with several publicised Fossil repositories, I can't 
help but notice that the majority of them are rather small. The 
system.data.sqlite repository is probably the biggest I've seen.

As of 11th August 2017:

Flint: 468KB, 65 commits
Hydra: 648KB, 37 commits
Fossilbook: 37.2MB, 82 commits
Fossil: 56.1MB, 10696 commits
SQLite: 92MB, 19275 commits
SLT: 142.5MB, 165 commits
TCL: 212.3MB, 21227 commits
system.data.sqlite: 395.4MB, 3072 commits

Most of the projects that I am involved with are games designed to run on 
Windows systems. These are anywhere from a small arcade game (10-100MB), or a 
fully fledged action packed or role playing adventure game (the biggest so far 
being 5GB). Of course these will contain binary files (generally an executable, 
dependency libraries and, most of all, media). It is the big ones where Fossil 
seems to be tripping over its own feet...

My machine: Windows 7 64-bit quad-core hyperthreaded, 32GB ram, 31.42TB total 
Fossil version: 2.3 [f7914bfdfa] 2017-07-21 03:19:30 UTC

Note: None of the below repositories have any ticket or custom wiki entries, 
and all only have the main trunk branch.
Also note that all commits were tests only and so weren't synced to remotes. 
Naturally this means that commits are even slower when syncing.

I have included export times because I have also done some experimentation with 
import/export. While the below tests don't seem to be too taxing in regards to 
exporting, try git-cloning https://github.com/torvalds/linux (roughly a 15 
minute operation) and import that to Fossil. On my machine it hadn't finished 
importing after three days, and the bigger it got the more it slowed. Took an 
hour to go from 2 to 3GB, and roughly 10 hours to go from 4 to 5GB. Of course 
you wouldn't find me so much as touching the Linux code - it is very different 
to Windows and even using it has turned out to be a pain in the rear and a 
bullet in the leg. I did this merely to test Fossil's handling of large 
Similar slowdowns also seem to be occurring when building zip files from 
repositories. In fact there have been various scenarios when I have wanted to 
visit a certain checkin, and have had to open that checkin as a separate 
checkout and zip it with another utility, because Fossil gives me out of memory 

With Fossil, we get the following results:

Repo1: 76.5MB, 3 total commits
Clone: 14S (approx. 5.1MBPS)
Open: 3S (Latest commit, 322 files, 89.1MB, approx. 107 files or 29.7MB per 
Commit: 12S (Deleted 5 small files)
Export: 7S (approx. 10.93MBPS)

Repo2: 554.4MB, 315 total commits
Clone: 2M27S (Download=1M10S, finalise=1M17S, approx. 7.92MBPS)
Open: 10S (Latest commit, 446 files, 385MB, approx. 44 files or 38.5MB per 
Commit: 8S (Deleted one small file)
Export: 1M1S (Approx. 9.09MBPS)

Repo3: 792MB, 340 total commits
Clone: 2M16S (Download=1M40S, finalise=36S, approx. 7.92MBPS)
Open: 20S (Latest commit, 1087 files, 906MB, Approx. 54 files or 45.3MB per 
Commit: 25S (Changed a few audio files)
Export: 1M24S (Approx. 9.43MBPS)

Repo4: 2.4GB, 7 commits
Clone: 6M30S (Download=5M, finalise=1M30S, approx. 8MBPS)
Open: 43S (Latest commit, 574 files, 2.36GB, approx. 13 files or 181.5MB per 
Commit: 1M18S (Edited perhaps 10 lines of code)
Export: 3M55S (Approx. 10MBPS)

Repo5: 5.6GB, 24 total commits
Clone: 9M1S (Download=6M38S, Finalise=2M23S, approx. 14.07MBPS)
Open: 1M35S (Latest commit, 1380 files, 4.18GB, approx. 14 files or 45MB per 
Commit: 1M30S (Added 2 source code files totalling 62.2KB)
Export: 11M49S (Approx. 9.17MBPS)

Importing the same repositories into Git and doing similar commits yields the 
following results. Unfortunately I don't have a private Git server from which 
to test clones, however Fossil's cloning is pretty fast anyway so I'm not too 
concerned about this.

Repo1: 76.5MB, 3 total commits

Git size: 75.1MB
Open: 3S (Latest commit, 322 files, 89.1MB, approx. 107 files or 29.7MB per 
Commit: Instantaneous (Edited code)

Repo2: 554.4MB, 315 total commits

Git size: 655.5MB
Open: 5S (Latest commit, 446 files, 385MB, approx. 88 files or 77MB per second)
Commit: instantaneous (Source tree directory restructuring, some deletions)

Repo3: 792MB, 340 total commits

Git size: 801.1MB
Open: 13S (Latest commit, 1087 files, 906MB, Approx. 84 files or 70MB per 
Commit: 16s (Changed a few sounds)

Repo4: 2.4GB, 7 commits

Git size: 2.4GB
Open: 17S (Latest commit, 574 files, 2.36GB, approx. 33 files or 181.5MB per 
Commit: instantaneous (Edited perhaps 10 lines of code)

Repo5: 5.6GB, 24 total commits

Git size: 5.6GB
Open: 1M41S (Latest commit, 1380 files, 4.18GB, approximately 14 files or 42MB 
per second)
Commit: Instantaneous (Added 2 source code files totalling 62.2KB)


1. Git seems to do better at compressing and opening smaller repositories, 
while Fossil triumphs over larger ones.
2. In some cases (notably repo1), Fossil is only 14% faster at performing a 
commit than a full clone.
3. The speed of a commit in Git seems to be dependent on the size of the 
change. The bigger the changes, naturally the slower the commits. Commits in 
Fossil seem, with a few discrepancies (notably commit times in repos 1 and 2), 
to be dependent on the size of the repository.
4. Fossil clone - finalising procedure took 36 seconds for repo 3, 77 seconds 
(just over twice the length) for repo2, and 90 seconds for repo4. Yet repo3 has 
25 more checkins than repo2, and plenty more files. Repo 4 only has 7 checkins 
in total. Does this have to do with the state of the remote repository?
5. Export seems to be slowing down significantly the bigger the repository, but 
when you look at the average MBPS from one to the other it actually doesn't 
seem too bad. Again though, attempt the Linux import above and watch it take 
three days to create an incomplete, 12GB fossil repository...Of course this 
could easily also be Git's export system - I haven't done a similar test on Git 
with other VCS systems in order to create a detailed performance comparison.

I was very interested to find an article hidden in the depths of the Fossil 
 which, though containing details a little too technical for my knowledge, 
discusses large scale repositories, however this seemed to point more towards 
the issue of huge numbers of small files. It made frequent reference to the 
checkout size of SLT (over 1GB) as an example of a small number of larger 
files, however as you see above, some of these size boundaries are being 
exceeded in both repository and checkout size. Also the articles discuss 
cloning and rebuilding and don't seem to cover committing. If a local commit 
can take 90 seconds on a 5GB repository, how long would it take to send all 
that data back to the remote server... I think I remember some rather small 
commits sometimes taking 10 minutes, including remote sync.
Of course these issues may well already be known. I'm sure I'm not the only 
person to have raised this issue since Fossil was conceived back in 2006. 
However, other than the above article, I can find no mention of them being 
Are there any configurations I may have missed that may help to optimise Fossil 
in these areas? If not, are there any plans to optimise Fossil in the future?
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