It sounds like code.exe is starting up in "the background" (for lack of a
better word) and returns control to the caller before code.exe exits. What
happens when you start code.exe from the console? If the console continues
accepting input after code.exe has started, then it's incompatible with
fossil in this reg6, as fossil expects the call to return only after the
editor has quit.

----- stephan
Sent from a mobile device, possibly from bed. Please excuse brevity, typos,
and top-posting.

On Nov 1, 2017 00:24, "jungle Boogie" <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I would like this to be my editor on Windows:
> "C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe"
> I was able to set it up as my editor:
> >fossil set editor
> editor               (local)  "C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe"
> I wanted to commit a change:
> >fossil ci
> This opened VS Code and generated a text file in my project directory.
> I typed my message, saved and closed. Fossil had moved on long ago and
> assumed my check-in was empty and asked if I wanted to proceed:
> >fossil ci
> Autosync:  http://localhost:8080
> Round-trips: 1   Artifacts sent: 0  received: 0
> Pull done, sent: 306  received: 772  ip:
> "C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe" "./ci-comment-636BBE9D36FF.
> txt"
> empty check-in comment.  continue (y/N)? n
> Fossil opened VS Code in a couple seconds and I started typing my message.
> Is it likely VS code is too slow for fossil before it thinks there's
> an empty check-in?
> What's an editor Widows folks use? I have gvim installed, so I can
> switch to that familiar editor if you folks think VS Code is just a
> bit too slow for fossil.
> Thanks!
> --
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