On Nov 20, 2017, at 3:12 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <off...@riseup.net> 
> I thought that was the extension
> the shallow cloned repository would get if no extension name was specified.

If you say

    $ fossil clone https://fossil-scm.org fossil

You get a repository file called “fossil”, not “fossil.fossil”.

In my clone-and-open scheme, leaving off the final parameter above would give 
you a directory called “Fossil”, since I propose that we reuse the /zip and 
/tarball option from Admin > Configuration.  Since Fossil’s own repository 
leaves that option unset, it uses the project name, which is capital-F “Fossil”.

The argument in this sub-thread, then, is what to call the actual repository 
file.  I’m not wedded to .fslrepo, but it does follow established conventions 
nicely.  .fslclone could also work, for example, though it would break the 8.3 
restriction that Fossil once upon a time held itself to for such critical file 
names, since the equivalent on Windows would presumably be _fslclone.
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