On Nov 22, 2017, at 7:43 AM, bytevolc...@safe-mail.net wrote:
> On Tue, 21 Nov 2017 16:42:56 -0700
> Warren Young <war...@etr-usa.com> wrote:
>>> This seems more like a complaint about the user interface.  
>> How does that observation get us to a different solution?
> Because you then focus on tweaking the UI to make it better, rather
> than just stuffing support for other VCSes because of a few complaints
> about the UI.

The Fossil vs Git UI situation has been studied before.  There’s a tremendous 
amount of logical mismatch between the two, such that commands for one often 
cannot be translated 1:1 to the other.

Just as a single example:

    $ fossil ci

is not at all the same thing as 

    $ git commit

A better approximation is:

    $ git commit -a && git push

And even then I’m sure I’m missing some details.

Now, here we have an example where Fossil is far clearer, as is the typical 
case, but that won’t make all the Git fans you show this to squee and insist 
that their projects switch to Fossil.

I’m reporting results here, not speculating.  I’ve tried it, and some kind of 
dismissal is almost always the result.  Why do you suppose that is?

What keeps these people using Git are network effects.  Most people decide that 
it’s better to put up with its horrible CLI or tie themselves to proprietary 
GUIs/web services — most prominently, GitHub — rather than lose out on all the 
benefits they get by being in the Git world.

We’ve been to this party before.  Linux vs Windows, Pascal/D/ObjC/Go/Rust/... 
vs C, etc., etc.  “Better” doesn’t always win.

>> What many of my public repos’ users want is Git, and I’m refusing
>> (today) to give it to them.
> You clearly have very whiney users.

I’d say I have normal users: they want maximum results for minimum effort.

As do I.  Since I run the project server, what I say generally goes, but I 
ignore my users’ wishes at peril of losing my user base, thus risking a waste 
of my time writing software that no one will use.

There is not black or white here.  There is only gray.

> Fossil supports downloading entire
> checkins in zip and tarball archives

I often end up hand-constructing such URLs for my users to click, because they 
can’t be bothered to dig through the UI to figure it out.

Here we have a case where Git is actually faster and clearer:

   $ git clone https://example.com


1. Visit https://example.com
2. Click Timeline (and how would my users know to do that?)
3. Click checkin ID.
4. Find and click Tarball link
5. Unpack the tarball

Then they must do all 5 steps again every time there is a new version they 
want, vs:

   $ git pull

Fossil often can’t get to the simplicity of Git here for two reasons:

1. Fossil may not be in the end user’s stock OS package repo.  (e.g. RHEL, 

2. If it is, it may be far too outdated to even work with the central repo.  
(e.g. Debian, Raspbian.)

Thus we have to point users at precompiled binaries or instruct them in 
building from source, all of which makes Fossil look even more complicated than 
Git, when day-to-day, the reverse is true.  But you only realize that *after* 
you get Fossil up and running on your system.

>> This proposal seems like a good way to enlarge the Fossil user base
>> by leveraging the same network effects that today work against Fossil.
> So you are suggesting compromise Fossil's code maintainability and
> simplicity just for the sake of marketing values?

I’m just cheerleading here.  It’s drh’s call what he spends his time on.  I 
trust his judgement.

> implementing support for
> every rinky-dink VCS out there won't expand Fossil's user base by much.

Of course not.  But adding Git support alone will expand Fossil’s applicability 
tremendously.  We could pick up probably 90% of the public source repositories 
with that one move.  Adding Hg would probably add most of the remaining 10%.

>> The thing is, we don’t yet know how well that test corresponds to the
>> way Git uses the filesystem.  All we know today is that Git tends to
>> be faster than Fossil for equal workloads, even when things like
>> repo-cksum are accounted for.
> And how will you test this out anyway? Git uses the file system,
> meaning any performance comparison with Git will depend entirely on
> what file system is in use.

By controlling variables, as any good scientific experiment does.  Here, that 
means using the same filesystem, disks, etc.  If Fossil is reworked to use a 
Git-compatible pile-of-files repository format and performance doesn’t improve, 
then either:

1. That wasn’t the source of the difference, so now we can check it off the 
list of things to look at; or

2. There is an important difference in the implementations, which will now be 
easier to find, since both code bases are trying to achieve precisely the same 

Contrast the state of things today, where comparisons are almost pointless, 
because Git and Fossil are comparable only at a skin-deep level.  They’re both 
DVCSes, and that’s about the extent of the similarity.  How then can you know 
why one is faster than the other?

> Nobody in their right mind would even consider Fossil (with its
> in-built web server, wiki, and bugtracker) to run on such a system

There’s a wide rainbow between my 4 kWord C compiler and modern GCC.

It wasn’t that long ago that I worked out a plan, here on the mailing list, for 
a way to get a good portion of Fossil onto a PDP-11.  I didn’t get any 
responses that told me why it was impossible.

I suspect you have too narrow a view of what being in one’s right mind is.  It 
takes all kinds of crazy to make up today’s F/OSS world.

    "Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the
     troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes…
     the ones who see things differently — they're not fond 
     of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them,
     glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do
     is ignore them because they change things… they push
     the human race forward, and while some may see them as
     the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are
     crazy enough to think that they can change the world,
     are the ones who do.”

    — Steve Jobs

> As for that particular C compiler you are using, it is broken.

Therefore…what?  No good work can be done with such compilers?  The platforms 
they support must be relegated to the dustbin of history?

Would you write off the entirety of the retrocomputing and retrogaming 
movements plus a good chunk of the embedded space just to defend your idea of 
what a “good” C compiler must be?

I’m all for standards and progress, but I also recognize that we cannot always 
drag elements of the past up to current standards, and that there is value in 
past systems and purposely limited modern systems.

Much of the problems we’re having with IoT these days comes from trying to put 
a 32-bit processor running a multitasking GCC and Linux based OS into 

> There is no need for Fossil or SQLite to comply with broken or heavily
> out-of-date compilers when Fossil/SQLite won't even run on such
> platforms.

You’re focusing on my one extreme example and ignoring the rainbow between that 
and your apparent conception of minimal acceptable platform.

I expect I could get SQLite and Fossil to run on a PIC32, for example.  The 
current version of Microchip’s XC32 compiler for that chip family only supports 
C89 and some C99 features.  It also supports up to C++03, which means it might 
implicitly understand some C11 as well, but certainly not all of it.

I don’t need to do that today, but I’d prefer that you don’t preclude me doing 
it in the future just because you want to require C11 to compile SQLite and 

Infrastructure software should live by different rules than user-facing 
software.  If you are developing software for a company whose marketing 
department decides that targeting only Windows 8 and 10 is the best decision, 
then by all means, use C11 or C++14 exclusively; you can afford it.

> BTW, OpenWatcom supports many C99 features and can compile for 16-bit
> Windows, so perhaps 16-bit Fossil is in order.

I think Microsoft’s unmcommon success at maintaining backwards compatibility 
makes 16-bit Windows an uninteresting platform from a retrocomputing standpoint.

More interesting are platforms like the PDP-11, SNES, etc., which require 
simulators/emulators to run software for those machines on modern hardware.  
Programmers wanting to produce new software for those machines must either use 
compilers of the day or retarget current tools for them, often dropping 
features along the way to squeeze into the old footprint.
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