On 11/24/17, Johan Kuuse <jo...@kuu.se> wrote:
> I agree on that we would give up Fossil semantics.

I have no intent to "give up" or change the semantics of Fossil, and I
see no reason why enabling Fossil to push and pull from Git
repositories would require this.

Adding the ability to interact with Git is very much the same kind of
change as adding support for SHA3 hashes.  When Fossil 2.0 came out,
we didn't "give up" on the semantics of Fossil 1.37.  Most users
upgraded to Fossil 2.0 and never noticed any change at all.  Fossil
2.0 reads and writes legacy repos the same as it always did.  The only
thing that changed is that Fossil 2.0 also included the ability to
read/write repos that included artifacts with SHA3 hashes.  If none of
your repos have SHA3 hashes, then Fossil 1.37 and Fossil 2.0 are
completely interchangeable.  You only need Fossil 2.0 if you start
using repos that do include SHA3 hashes.

Likewise, moving from Fossil 2.x to Fossil-NG (whatever the version
number turns out to be) will be a non-issue for most users.  All the
commands will work the same when using legacy repos.  Fossil-NG merely
adds the ability to push and pull from Git.  If you don't use that
feature, then nothing changes.

Both Fossil 2.x and Fossil-NG will be able to read and write the same
Fossil repos, as long as you do not run use Fossil-NG features.  After
you "rebuild" and start using Fossil-NG specific features, legacy
Fossil-2.x clients might no longer work with that particular repo.
This is the same situation that came up in the Fossil-1.37 to
Fossil-2.0 transition.  That transition went smoothly and I expect the
transition to Fossil-NG to be just as smooth.
D. Richard Hipp
fossil-users mailing list

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