On 11/28/17, Jacob MacDonald <jaccar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using 2.4 locally, Chisel says it's using 2.1. If I change a file in a
> repository the changes go out properly but adding files to another
> repository doesn't work. The push or sync seems to succeed, but the Chisel
> web UI does not reflect the change and on clone I get a "manifest checksum
> does not agree with disk" error and the tree does not check out at all (old
> or new files).
> Have I borked something by accident or is this what happens on a version
> upgrade? I've tried repacking to seemingly no avail.

The behavior you describe should not occur - either by version upgrade
or by borking.  Can you provide a concrete example that we can debug?

D. Richard Hipp
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