On 12/6/2017 1:22 PM, Richard Hipp wrote:
There have been lots of changes (hopefully, "improvements") to the web
interface of Fossil over the past few days.  If you have not be
following the developments, I encourage you to visit a few of the main
sites running the latest code and let me know what you think.  Your
suggestions and comments are very important.

I have been reading the posts concerning the proposed CSS changes. I also am not by any means a CSS guru -- I have only a rudimentary knowledge of CSS.

I like to use longer commit comments and so I have used (which I found via this mailing list):

  span.timelineComment {
    font-family: Consolas; /* optional */
    white-space: pre;

for my timeline. One thing I noticed is that other pages that display the commit comments (such as the overview on the info/ page for a particular commit) do not use the same (or any unique class or id that I could easily reference -- perhaps my CSS knowledge is just not sufficient) for the comment.

I would suggest that the html generated by fossil be consistent and use the same id= or class= tags for the elements on each page. This would allow one to more consistently change the look of specific elements displayed by fossil.

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