On Dec 12, 2017, at 12:33 PM, Juan Francisco Cantero Hurtado 
<i...@juanfra.info> wrote:
> I want share a fossil repo using a static http server

Call something like this from a crontab:

    $ wget -O /var/www/html/dl/my-project.zip http://localhost:8080/zip

Then in the HTML:

    <a href="/dl/my-project.zip">Download</a>

> I want share only the "code part" without the wiki or the issues.

Fossil-produced zip files and tarballs leave that out.

The main downside is that you don’t get delta downloads.  The user would have 
to download the whole thing all over again.

> without the cgi.

CGI isn’t necessarily required to run a Fossil web server.  I understand that 
some web hosts don’t allow easy access to CGI for security reasons, but you 
might still be able to run a Fossil instance there with “fossil server” and use 
its HTTP server, possibly on a nonstandard port >= 1024.  Then point the static 
pages to the Fossil instance:

    <a href="http://server-name:8080/zip/my-project.zip?uuid=trunk”>Download</a>

You do unfortunately have to give an absolute URL here: HTML doesn’t allow you 
to say “same server but different port,” on purpose, presumably for some 
security reason.

The default permissions on Fossil allow anonymous users to download zip files 
and tarballs.

Or, you could just expose the Fossil server publicly but deny anonymous users 
the ability to read tickets an the wiki.  Then you get delta syncing and all 
the other Fossil goodness.
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