On Dec 21, 2017, at 2:58 PM, jungle Boogie <jungleboog...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 3) Small green lock, like you see in your browser for https
> 2) Unlocked & red
> 1) Locked, but grey

That’s going to make the red-green color blind unhappy:


There are browser plugins to simulate the various forms of color blindness.  
It’s fascinating to play with them for a while.

I’d recommend designing three distinct black-filled SVG icons, then style as 

1. Drop the opacity of all signedness-state icons to blend it with the 
background, giving a darker form of the skin’s BG color:

   svg.signState {
      opacity: 0.4;

2. Change the inner fill color of the icons based on applied classes:

   svg.signed.inner {
      fill: deepskyblue;
   svg.forged.inner {
      fill: firebrick;

The unsigned state has no tint in this example, but it should still have a 
distinct CSS class so that skin authors can recolor it to suit their taste and 
accessibility requirements.

>>  And where would they be placed?  Beside the username?

Works for me.

> I think that's a good starting point, perhaps left of the username.

I think right, simply because it’s currently ordered most-clicked to 
least-clicked, more or less.

> How are the signatures verified?

There are lots and lots of ways because there is no single best answer.  Some 

1. Add a column to the Fossil users table.  Add a text input field on Admin > 
Users accepting a GPG public key.  Also add an Admin preference for whether 
this column syncs between clones by default, which effectively controls whether 
trust is transitive.  Downside: the Fossil Admin gets to maintain yet another 
authentication system.

2. Pull from a PGP key server by email parsed from the current Contact Info 
column.  Downside: all the problems of PGP email.

3. Delegate identity to another provider via any of


You might need a pluggable architecture so that Fossil can ship with the first 
two, but BigCorp can swap in an LDAP or RADIUS back end.  It *might* be 
sufficient to allow this to be done via Tcl, as that should give you access to 
quite a few protocol clients, and the ability to write more at need.
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