On 2018-01-09 19:27:10, The Tick wrote:
> Seems to me that most people will either use script or redirect the make
> output to a file. Computers are simply too fast and the output too
> (...) If you use GCC
> you will probably have noticed that it inserts ansi color escape sequences
> in an attempt to highlight portions of the messages. If you peruse the
> typescript file or log file of your build then these escape sequences are
> very distracting and make it more difficult than necessary to read the
> message. 

GCC is not the only tool with a console UI that does that. In the
"white text on black background" (or vice versa) world, this actually
works somewhat acceptably (minus readability issues). Other color combinations
of terminals - not so much. And you do not know from within the application
what your console's fore- and background colors are (you may possibly sometimes,
but usually you don't). 

So please, if you're a SW dev who is reading this and thinking about
adding color output to your tool of choice, think how it'll look on 
white-on-red, yellow-on-green, black-on-darkgoldenrod, ... , wisen up, 
don't add it or do, please, add an option to turn it off.

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