I love WinMerge and was unable to trigger the diff from fossil(many
versions ago) as you suggest?
Can you describe how WinMerge is installed and fossil settings that worked
for you?
For now, I cut and paste, which is a drag.


On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 1:11 PM, Ron W <ronw.m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 7:00 AM, <fossil-users-request@lists.
> fossil-scm.org> wrote:
>> Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2018 11:42:59 +0100
>> From: Gilles <codecompl...@free.fr>
>> Subject: Re: [fossil-users] Windows GUI that allows diff between two,
>>         revisions?
>> Thanks for the tip. Fuel does have an internal web browser:
>> https://s14.postimg.org/efgcfmwj5/Fossil.Fuel.history.intern
>> al.browser.png
>> If there's no Windows alternative to Fuel, it looks like it's either the
>> web UI or the command line.
>> Is there an easy way to compare two revisions of a file while the
>> repository is closed (ie. not a comparison between a revision in the
>> repo and a live file in the workspace), possibly using WinMerge, so I
>> can easily see what the changes are, check out the latest verison, and
>> copy/paste ?
> In the Fossil "web UI", from the timeline, select a commit. Scroll down to
> the file of interest and click on it to show that file's history. In the
> "revision graph" (on the left), click the version you want to compare from
> (the node will turn red), then the version you want to compare to. This
> will display (in the web browser), a differ of the 2 versions.
>  To use WinMerge, you need to configure Fossil to use that as the external
> diff (or gdiff) tool. then from the command line:
>        fossil diff --from VERSION --to VERSION
> This will launch WinMerge (with temporary copies) to display the
> differences between the 2 versions. However, Fossil will ignore any changes
> you make in WinMerge.
> Until either Fuel is updated (possibly by some one forking it) or some one
> creates a new GUI front end for Fossil (possibly using Electronic or
> similar), this is the best you can get.
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