> Is the new ETag mechanism sufficient for your purposes?

That's a great addition, thanks!

However, my simple scripting tools don't support ETags, i.e. the `wget
-N' example (latest version 1.19.4) mentioned earlier still carries
out two full downloads of the Fossil source code archive.

With the "Last-Modified" header, the timestamp of the downloaded
unversioned file can be set correctly, and locally updated unversioned
files waiting to be synchronized with the server would not be
clobbered by accidental runs of the download script, for example, but
this would fail with ETags (if I get it right, ETags can only say
"different", whereas "Last-Modified" can say "newer").

Even the most basic scripting solutions, like
"WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1" used with WSH, are able to return the
"Last-Modified" header, whereas implementing ETag support in these
cases requires "less-recreational" scripting ;)

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