On Apr 28, 2018, at 1:07 PM, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> wrote:
> (1) The new days=N query parameter shows all activity within the
> previous N days.


I think this will end up being more useful than “max N any type,” as I 
frequently find myself fiddling with N as a project gets busy and then calms 
back down again.  I want it to show me one screen showing everything I want to 
see and no more; days is more likely to get me what I want than guessing at 
values of max N.

What would make it even more useful, though, is if it was part of the page UI 
and participated in the page load cookie, so that you wouldn’t have to keep 
resetting it with manual URL editing.

“Days" seems orthogonal to the options in the “Any Type” drop down, so how 
about if this setting is exposed via another drop-down between the “Max 
<input/>” bit and the type drop-down, offering the choice of “days of” or “of 
type”, defaulting to the latter for backwards compatibility?  The grammar when 
reading the line gets a little screwy, but short of changing plurals 
dynamically, I don’t know how you fix it:

1. Max 100 of type check-ins
2. Max 7 days of check-ins
3. Max 10 of type wiki
4. Max 7 days of wiki

> (3) Both the yw= and ymd= query parameters accept "now" to mean the
> current day or current week.
>     https://fossil-scm.org/fossil/timeline?yw=now
>     https://fossil-scm.org/fossil/timeline?ymd=now

Very useful, especially for Agile organizations that schedule work by the week.

But, 2-week sprints are also very common.  “yw=fortnight” seems wrong, so how 
about yf=now to mean the current fortnight, yf=-1 to mean the previous 
fortnight, and yf=2017-01-01 to mean the first fortnight in 2017?

There are a few semantic questions here:

1. Does yf=-1 end at midnight-1 last Friday, last Saturday, or last Sunday?  
(The latter being for organizations that strictly start the week on Monday, 
considering Sunday part of “last week.”)

2. Does “yf=-1” use some definition of even and odd weeks in the year?  If not, 
users are going to get the trailing week of the previous sprint about half the 
time.  Someone coming into work early on Monday of a new sprint and looking at 
“yf=now” should always see a blank timeline, no?

Speaking of midnight, does all of this pay attention to the time zone setting 
in Admin, or is it using midnight UTC in its definition of “now”?
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