With Fossil 2.6, sometimes there's *.fossil-shm and *.fossil-wal files left
behind in the directory where the repository databases are stored.

This happens if an unversioned file is accessed through the /uv web
interface for the second time (or more). If the web interface to view an
unversioned file is accessed for the first time, or if any other page of
the web UI is accessed, no such files are present.

All web requests seem to complete without signs of error in the web browser
(in particular, no red error message on top, also not for non-cached pages
other than /uv). There's no suspicious entries in the web server error
logs, and no core dump files, or similar.

My shared web host is running FreeBSD (64-bit) and Apache, with Fossil 2.6
[9718f3b078] through a CGI script. I haven't been able to reproduce this on
Windows, but I have only tested the `fossil ui' mechanism, and not the full
web server/CGI setup.

I wonder if this could be related to the recently added support for the
ETags, Last-Modified, and If-Modified-Since cache control mechanisms, i.e.
that there's some "premature shutdown" of the SQLite engine when handling
/uv cache hits?

I'm aware this is not dangerous, as SQLite will recover any information
from the leftover files, but nonetheless I'm reporting it.


(My index-pages are set to unversioned wiki files, and they have hyperlinks
to the repository list, so it's a common scenario for me to "leave" a
repository through an unversioned index-page, revealing the shm- and
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