Just brainstorming here: May be a kind of  "mailing list" and/or "forum"
feature could be added to Fossil itself ?

Fossil would become even more an alternative to github+git.

Of course this would be a long-term work.

This is just a random thought, it might be a bad idea, I’m not sure what to
think about it.

  (Sorry for top posting and brevity, on mobile)

Martin G.

Le mer. 13 juin 2018 à 07:28, Richard Hipp <d...@sqlite.org> a écrit :

> Unfortunately, I'm going to need to shut down this mailing list due to
> robot harassment.  I am working to come up with a fix or an
> alternative now.  Your suggestions are welcomed.
> This mailing list has operated for many years using GNU MailMan.
> Unfortunately, that software is not able to cope with modern robot
> spammers, even with the latest updates.  And the source code for
> MailMan is sufficiently opaque that I am unable to work on it.
> The most recent problem is that robots are visiting the subscription
> page and entering innocent user's email addresses and names.  This
> causes a confirmation email to be sent to that user.  If it were just
> single confirmation email that the user could ignore, that would be
> fine.  But apparently MailMan sends one email for each subscription
> request.  The robots have figured this out and are putting in hundreds
> of subscription requests for the same individual, apparently to harass
> them.
> I have already suspended new subscriptions.  Existing subscribers will
> be able to continue using this list until I come up with a replacement
> (or a fix to the current problem) but no new subscribers will be
> accepted.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
> d...@sqlite.org
> _______________________________________________
> fossil-users mailing list
> fossil-users@lists.fossil-scm.org
> http://lists.fossil-scm.org:8080/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/fossil-users
fossil-users mailing list

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