Yea I agree, this is nice stuff to have, but in my view is not compelling for 
fossil which sets itself apart by being lightweight and simple.  There are 
numerous collaborative development platforms out there already.  I’ve messed 
around with a few of them and they are definitely cool and if I had a larger 
team working on stuff I’d definitely consider them over fossil for exactly the 
reasons you lay out.  However, I do not feel that Fossil is in the same space 
as them, it sets itself apart by being lightweight and simple and addresses the 
core needs of SCM, with a "good enough" ticketing system for a few people to 
collaborate on”.  There are actually many things about the ticketing and SCM in 
fossil which are bare bones compared to what I am used to in the workplace and 
have caused me to wish for something more elaborate in terms of peer review 
workflow, etc…but at the end of the day, the real strength of fossil its is 
simplicity and lightweight those kinds of advanced features will 
probably never get there and that’s fine.  I think fossil is great for what it 
is.  What you’re hoping for would be a very large development effort to obtain 
in fossil, and then it would cease to r itself from the other large offerings 
that are already out there, as the simple lightweight solution.

> On Jun 13, 2018, at 1:12 PM, Warren Young <> wrote:
>> Collaboration such as what we see on GitHub, etc..would be cool, don’t get 
>> me wrong, but in my opinion would greatly add to complexity in fossil.  I 
>> would be using one of those solutions already if I wanted a big complicated 
>> collaborative platform like that.
> Any software project with more than one remote member needs such a thing.  
> For such projects, a discussion forum is probably more important than a wiki 
> or ticket tracker.
> I think it’s fair to consider some kind of discussion forum an essential tool 
> for software development collaboration, which puts it right in Fossil’s space.
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