On 14/06/18 18:07, Thomas wrote:
> On 2018-06-14 23:19, Warren Young wrote:
>> I just checked, and for the flight I’ll be on, it’ll cost me about
>> 1/10 the monthly cost of my residential Internet service, per
>> device.  If I want to use my phone, tablet, and laptop, that’s 3/10
>> my monthly cost for a few hours of terrible service.
> That means again that it's probably better not to answer any support
> requests from this mailing list, which you will have downloaded eons
> ago already nonetheless (since you got no internet access). Your
> replies might be terribly outdated once you roll in to the nearest
> free wifi.
> I actually find it quite amusing that some people seem to be so
> personally involved in their favour of a mailing list over a forum,
> while this discussion has ceased for pretty much any other software
> product already, and many people even getting very personal, including
> insults.

For me what is amusing  is that people thinks that their reality defines
the reality of everyone else. In several countries in Latin America,
Asia and Africa (yes they're still a different part of the world in the
XXI century, despite of the efforts of "colonizers" to deny their
individuality since eons) there is not online all time and answering an
email from 3 days ago is not like being disconnected from centuries,
because three days still felt like 3 days and not like centuries in
those places.

Anything that allows offline participation is really appreciated over
the so called "Global South". I have been using Discourse Forum, with
mail suscription and mailing lists and I can see the advantages of the
first for a more peripheral participation and mailing list in
communities where I want to be more involved.

Just my 2 pesos, from another perspective in another place of the world.





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