On May 28, 2009, at 8:01 AM, Bob Gobeille wrote:

> On May 27, 2009, at 10:55 PM, Jeff Sheltren wrote:
>> On May 15, 2009, at 1:27 PM, Jeff Sheltren wrote:
>> The only build requirement that I can see which isn't in EL5 base or
>> in EPEL is libextractor-devel.  I rebuilt a fedora libextractor
>> package in order to get the fossology build working -- if you feel
> Would it be a good idea reduce the overall build complexity by  
> splitting each agent into its own install package?  For example,  
> libextractor is only used by the pkgmetagetta module, which most  
> people probably don't care about anyway.
> We are probably going to have optional modules (agents + UI) in the  
> future anyway.  We have talked about this in the past but perhaps we  
> need to do something about it.  IF this is a good idea, the first  
> thing I would do is make pkgmetagetta optional.  Optional modules is  
> also seems like a good way to introduce most new functionality since  
> the new code will probably be less stable than the base code.
> Bob Gobeille

Without looking too closely at the fossology build setup, I imagine  
this would be pretty easy to do inside the RPM itself.  We can create  
sub-packages for the various modules, and dynamically add the  
buildrequires on ie. libextractor only when building a module where  
it's needed.  Will this require changes to the Makefile system that's  
in place now?  Or could I do something like --without-pkgmetagetta/-- 
with-pkgmetagetta type of argument depending on how I want to build?   
Does this imply that fossology will need a auto-conf type script?

Regardless of how we split the package/modules up, I think it makes  
sense to get the needed dependencies accepted into some main repos  
(EPEL in the case of RHEL/CentOS) just for general ease of  
installation (and build for those who want to build themselves).  I'll  
take that on for libextractor, which as far as I can tell is the only  
thing missing for RHEL-5 at this point.  It's already in Fedora, so  
it's a non-issue for those wanting to run fossology on Fedora.

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