Sorry about re-posting this but I'm not sure what or if I can do
anything about this.

So we've been going on this new server for a few weeks now and its
crunching tons of source-code.
However, I expected this Fossology DB size on the main page
http://localhost/repo/ -> Admin -> Dashboard to start displaying some
amount of size close to the fossology-database size but for some
reason it's still showing up as Zero 0.

Our fossology DB and actual disk space used is currently at:

[r...@san-psip ~]# du -sh /var/lib/pgsql/data/

8.0G    /var/lib/pgsql/data/

which is similar to the database size of fossology:

postgres=# SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('fossology'));
 7907 MB
(1 row)

But when using your query to display Fossology DB size on Dashboard,
its still showing zero, or nothing unlike the last time I used this

postgres=# SELECT SUM(relpages) AS val FROM pg_class INNER JOIN

pg_stat_all_tables ON pg_stat_all_tables.relname = pg_class.relname
WHERE schemaname='public';

(1 row)

Last time I ran this it displayed: val = 0.

So in theory the query and displayed size is correct, but this seems
more like an issue or something not being right, (possibly a bug?). I
don't know but I would like to attempt to correct this somehow.

I would hope to see something close to the DB size when going to the
Dashboard page. Others engineers have asked me about this and I really
don't know what to tell them.

Is this expected results?
Is this some sort of bug/issue?
Can I correct this to show DB size in Dashboard page?

Any suggestions, recommendations?

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