On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 11:57 AM, Jaeger, Michael C. <
michael.c.jae...@siemens.com> wrote:

> Hello,

Thank you for this update Michael!

> you might have noticed on github that there is the release 3.1rc2 -
> release candidate 2.
> https://github.com/fossology/fossology/releases/tag/3.1.0rc2
> This rises a couple of questions:
> *) where was release candidate 1 actually?
>    find 3.1rc1 here: https://github.com/fossology/fossology/releases/
> *) what is new compared to release 3.0?
>   A lot: the project has merged more than 50 pull request since then,
> check the release notes, among the larger features:
>   * docker support, also on docker hub,
>   * debian-copyright (DEP5) generation
>   * tag value generation for SPDX2

Wow, these are awesome additions. Is there more info on the tag value
generation? I assume it means that one can create tags like
"SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0"?

>   * and much more, including many changes in the UI
>   * You could see the list of merged features here:
>     https://github.com/fossology/fossology/pulls?q=is%3Apr+is%3Aclosed
> *) do we have packages at the usual links?
>   no. (I know, really sorry)(yes, projects works on it)
> *) how can we test then?
>   there are three main ways (see note for mac users below):
>   1. Docker: just install docker and use
>       'docker run -p 8081:80 fossology/fossology'
>   2. Vagrant: just install vagrant (and VirtualBox) and use
>       'vagrant up' from the fossology project root folder
>   3. use the source code install - existing documentation works fine, for
> example:
>       http://www.fossology.org/projects/fossology/wiki/SysConfigSrc
>      just make sure composer(=php package manager) works on your machine
> *) I have an older version, how much backwards compatibility do we have?
> We have tested the 3.0 version installing on instances of 2.5. We have
> installed 3.1rcX several times on various older instances of 2.6.2 and 3.0.
> Migration scripts on the schema are there. Please consider backup in any
> case.
> *) What happens now?
> Same as with the other release, system testing:
> http://www.fossology.org/projects/fossology/wiki/FOSSology_system_testing_300
> *) How can I contribute?
>   * Testing for serious bugs that were missed before
>   * Reporting: https://github.com/fossology/fossology/issues
>   * classic contributions ...
> This is it, please feel free to use the mailing list or open a question on
> github.
> *) I have a Mac, can I use fossology too?
>    Yes, you could use docker use this:
>    1. https://docs.docker.com/mac/step_one/
>    2. Then start the docker quickstart terminal and execute the command
> mentioned above.
>    3. Please do not use localhost, but the IP address that is pointed out
> in the terminal
>    Also, you could install VirtualBox and Vagrant and then just
>    1. download the source code
>    2. in a terminal change into the root directory of the project
>    3. execute 'vagrant up'
> *) I have Windows, can I do that too?
>    presumably yes, would be good if someone tries and returns feedback.
> This is it for the first. Once we have news on the package side, let's
> post them.
> Kind regards, Michael
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Jeremiah C. Foster

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