A note on the timing: These minutes and the following ones of March 30 were
approved in the board meeting of April 27, 2020. I apologize for the delay
between then and now, which was due to my own faulty TODO-list bookkeeping.

FYI, the minutes of the board meetings of April 13, 27, and May 18, are
pending approval in the following board meeting.

Wiki location: https://wiki.gnome.org/FoundationBoard/Minutes/20200323

= Meeting of the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors, 23 March 2020, 14:30

== Attending ==

 * AllanDay
 * NeilMcGovern
 * TristanVanBerkom
 * FedericoMenaQuintero
 * RobertMcQueen

== Regrets ==

 * CarlosSoriano
 * RosannaYuen

== Missing ==

 * PhilipChimento
 * BrittYazel

== Agenda ==

 * Meeting schedule
 * Foundation mission/vision
 * Form working groups
 * Committee requirements

== Minutes ==

 * Meeting schedule
   * Deferred until we have more directors present.

 * Foundation mission/vision
   * Deferred until we have more directors present.

 * Form working groups
   * Allan: We can turn these into two groups, a strategy one and a policy
one. My proposal is that the strategy group works on the mission/vision
question and the 18-month strategy for the Foundation, while the policy one
works on things like the policy for conference approvals and whether to
turn the release team into a committee (
   * Tristan: This would define who does what in working sessions.
   * Allan: Do we want the groups to be non-overlapping?
   * Neil: Maybe we should just ask for volunteers rather than appointing
   * Allan: Let's go around the room.
     * Federico: (after some discussion) I would like to work on policy,
project governance, initiatives.
     * Rob: Strategy.
     * Tristan: Policy, things around the release team becoming a
committee. I will need to schedule with a convenient time with Federico in
regard to time zones.
        * Neil: A lot of that does not need to be done in person; it can be
in !GitLab comments or other asynchronous discussions.
     * Allan: Split down the middle, probably most useful around the
strategy side right now.
     * Allan: I will send out an introductory email to each group once I
have talked to Philip, Britt, and Carlos.

 * Committee requirements
   * Allan: Philip has drafted a proposal for minimum requirements for
   * Tristan already suggested an amendment to the proposal in the draft
   * '''VOTE:''' Adopt the draft as expectations for committees.
     * +1 unanimous
   * '''ACTION''' - Allan to put the approved draft on the wiki, in the
committees page.
   * '''ACTION''' - Allan to mail committees to inform them of the
requirements page.

== Actions ==

 * '''Allan:''' Add the approved committee requirements text to the wiki,
in https://wiki.gnome.org/Foundation/Committees (done:
 * '''Allan:''' Contact committees to inform them of the committee
foundation-announce mailing list

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