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On Tue, Nov 17, 2020 at 10:57 AM Philip Chimento <>

> Wiki location:
> = Regular meeting of the GNOME Foundation Board of Directors, 12 October
> 2020, 15:00 UTC =
> == Attending ==
> Directors:
>  * FedericoMenaQuintero
>  * KatGerasimova
>  * RobertMcQueen
>  * AllanDay
>  * FelipeBorges
>  * PhilipChimento
> Non-directors:
>  * ShaunMcCance
>  * RosannaYuen
>  * NeilMcGovern
>  * GarethMarlow
> == Regrets ==
>  * ReginaNkemchorAdejo
> == Discussion agenda ==
>  * Status of secretarial duties
>  * Review monthly meeting cadence
>  * Review in-progress tickets
>  * Strategy discussion
>   * Review progress so far
>   * Introduction to OKRs
>   * Discussion: mission, vision, objectives
> == Minutes ==
>  * Status of secretarial duties
>    * Backlog has been published.
>    * Kat: can we reduce approval time?
>    * Philip: current process was designed when we had weekly meetings.
>    * Kat to start an issue in GitLab to review the process.
>  * Review monthly meeting cadence
>    *
>    * Kat: it's harder to keep track of everything with monthly meetings
> than it had been with weekly or fortnightly meetings.
>    * Rob: is Neil getting enough feedback/communication from the board?
>    * Neil: monthly meetings work well in terms of communication from the
> board. Anything else can be followed up by email
>    * Rob: from my perspective, enjoying the reduced time commitment and
> increased focus, but too soon to say whether it's working well enough for
> the Foundation. need to keep an eye on reporting to ensure that Board (and
> wider community) has visibility to ongoing initiatives.
>    * Kat: the new format does work well to make sure we don't let longer
> term plans fall through the cracks
>    * Allan: structure works well, but we're lacking content. We are seeing
> a drop in activities that individual directors are leading. We need to make
> sure that we are delegating more and letting board members lead initiatives.
>    * Philip: Can we plan the dates of the year's meetings in advance?
>    * Allan: They are always the second Monday of the month. I'll send a
> list around.
>  * Review in-progress tickets
>    * Follow up on mailing list.
> [Shaun leaves]
>  * Strategy discussion
>    * Allan reviews progress so far
>    * Introduction to OKRs
>      * Rob: a measurable way of tracking goals by using initiatives with
> measurable key results to achieve objectives set as part of the strategy.
> Activities which support the Foundation's objectives can then be handed out
> to teams/employees.
>    * Discussion: mission, vision, objectives
>      * Gareth: I helped the board work through some of the strategy
> brainstorming in February. Executive coach. Help people with culture,
> mission, vision, etc.
>      * Round table on Vision and Mission statements:
>      * Federico: Drop "promote" from vision statement. Maybe we should
> include making it financially attractive to develop for GNOME.
>      * Felipe: Great that we are adopting a framework to have these
> conversations. Important to address "sustainability"
>      * Kat: This is a concrete way to set out actions/initiatives which
> will help us achieve our objectives.
>      * Philip: Feel that it's a reversal of ownership of goals (the board
> was hands off previously regarding implementation) and it's a good process
> to arrive at goals.
>      * Rob: This will give Neil a more opinionated steer from the board
> which will help Neil set out how we will achieve our objectives.
>      * Gareth: board needs to hand over a set of outcomes to Neil and Neil
> can then return to the board with a set of actions that can be taken to get
> there which the board can then approve.
>      * Allan: "respects and empowers" in the vision statement could
> benefit from a bit of work. We should look at this more from an ecosystem
> point of view rather than a platform. Is the mission too insular? And is
> "access" sufficient - do we not want to address appeal and desirability too?
>      * Neil: it is important that the board owns this top level
> initiative. Mission statement - feels wordy and long, addressing community
> and ecosystem. It would be useful to have sustainability in there too, but
> not sure how to fit three concepts in there.
>      * Gareth: it needs to be a focus that's kept in mind so it doesn't
> become just a statement on the website. You could add the concept of
> sustainability without making it too wordy.
>      * Rob: "<VERB> a diverse and sustainable ecosystem around free
> software desktop and applications."
>      * Federico: how can we improve feedback loop from users who customise
> the software to be useful for them and upstream? How to make it easier for
> those people to contribute? Should this process be central to the mission
> statement, or a second-level objective?
>      * Gareth: Is this already established in the fact that this is Free
> Software?
>      * Federico: Rust community makes these contributions more visible.
> The process is GNOME is very informal in comparison and not well defined.
>      * Rob: if we're inclusive, we end up with diversity. Diversity and
> inclusion are mission-level goals, and we should go into more details in
> the objectives.
>    * Objective suggestions:
>      * Rob: inclusive contribution process with financial
> incentive/compensation
>        * Philip: take it broader. Allow people to participate regardless
> of employment/free time status.
>      * Philip: getting our accessibility back to top notch.
>      * Kat: make it easy for anyone to contribute
>      * Felipe: produce an ecosystem that respects user privacy
>      * Federico: always have excellent development documentation
>      * Allan: have an inspiring and attractive public image
>      * Rob: sustainable and well run foundation / invest in channels to
> grow user base
>      * Philip: stay competitive with cutting edge technology from
> proprietary tech
>      * Felipe: continue to catalyse projects and new technologies
>      * Federico: have a pulse on how people move around with regards to
> joining/leaving the project
>      * Allan: be in a place where we are aware of and tackle structural
> issues that we and similar projects face
>      * Allan: engage employers - both existing and new potential ones
>      * Kat: be versatile enough to be engaging to a diverse community
>    * Gareth: Some of the above are more end points/outcomes and some
> initiatives. Sort list into outcome/tasks. If tasks are not connected to an
> outcome, rewrite it.
>    * Allan: who will do what/when?
>    * Rob: working group to refine the objectives. Endless have offered to
> use some of their funds towards this. Get some perspective from the
> industry outside the Free Software community.
>    * Rob will take on the task of agreeing an ultimate objective with the
> board.
>    * Allan: bring this into every monthly call until it is defined to keep
> the momentum up?
>    * Felipe and Kat interested in joining the working group to refine
> objectives
> [Rob leaves]
>    * Kat to set up call for working group (Allan will join too)
>    * Allan: working group should aim to report back at next month's meeting
>    * Gareth: good idea to use the monthly call to get the vision and
> mission finished.
> == Notices ==
> Next meeting will be 9th November 2020, 15:00 - 17:00 UTC. We will have a
> quarterly finance meeting, including a finance report.

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