> Well, like I said, my purpose wasn't to make a point, but to ask questions.
> I've learned better than to try to make points in this particular e-mail
> forum.

Your second question was something of a leading question. It came
across as if you were trying to make a point.

> I really don't understand what Mike was trying to say.  My second question
> was designed to express what precisely it was about his statement that I
> didn't understand.  And my third question, which I suppose was the one
> considered "disparaging", was somewhat pre-emptive.  Mike has a tendency to
> answer questions of this sort with an appeal to his status as a famous
> lawyer, and therefore as someone whose statements are (in his mind) beyond
> question by us little people.  So I wanted to clarify in advance which parts
> of his statement he thought could be understood (and not just accepted
> without question) by those of us who decided not to go to law school.

I've noticed that tendency as well, although I'm not sure your
question will help at all. It you had worded it more like you just did
it would have been better, although knowing Mike I don't think it
would make any difference to his response.

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