On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 7:22 PM, Mike Godwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anthony writes:
> >> Are you just making this up off the top of your head?
> >
> > Is that an appropriate response?  Surely one of your "assume good
> > faith"
> > memes would be appropriate here, wouldn't it?
> I feel certain that this is at least as appropriate a response as
> asking me whether I learned something in law school (remember?).

So you're just going tit-for-tat with me?  Is that it?  If so, fine, we're
even.  Now can we get back to something productive?

Oh shit.  That was a rhetorical question, wasn't it?  Damn, now I get
another tat.  See where the tit-for-tat is leading us?

But if you can't source your notion about how no rights are in
> conflict, I certainly understand and sympathize.

Well, no, I can't source it.  I don't know exactly *where* I got this notion
of rights.  It happened a long time ago, when I was first learning about the
term.  That said, I've googled around and it does seem that there is a
philosophical debate on exactly this question.  I think it's mostly a
semantic argument, though I also think there is a deeper question as to
whether or not humans are fundamentally in conflict with each other (a
question which I would tentatively answer in the negative, though I admit
that I haven't studied the question enough to be sure about my answer).

>> That's a wonderfully misanthropic, cynical view. I imagine you're
> >> quite proud of it.
> > Again a very educated and informative response.
> I was offering my opinion, is all. I think the idea that "assume good
> faith" does not improve the memetic environment -- and may even
> degrade it -- to be misanthropic and cynical.  You of course are free
> to disagree.

I completely agree that you think that way.  It's not particularly useful
for me to know this, though.

> >  I see you've incorporated
> > the "ad hominem" meme quite well.
> I don't understand your use of the term "ad hominem" here.

Instead of attacking my idea, you attacked me.
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