Gerard Meijssen schrieb:
> Hoi,
> So in essence by having a New York chapter, it became impossible to have an
> USA chapter? Or do we need to propose an Amsterdam sub chapter that will get
> all the trimmings like New York? The argument that the USA is so big is not
> that strong either, we could have a Moscow sub chapter or one for Bombay.
> Thanks,
>       GerardM
Yes, having a New York chapter pretty ruled out the possibility of 
establishing a USA chapter. But then, the USA chapter was discussed for 
quite long time and it is quite unprobably that it would become true in 
the near future. There are also suggestions that the WM-NYC could serve 
as a seed and gradually expand its covering area at sometime to become a 
WM-USA. But that's all speculations. We will see how everything develops.

Again, from the view of fundation WM-NYC is not a "sub chapter" but a 
wholevalue chapter. Its area doesn't covers a nation, but that doesn't 
make it less or more than the chapters whose area cover a country. And 
sub-national or cross-national chapters also may be established 
somewhere else than USA, right.

As far as I know, there are already two organizations in the 
Netherlands, why would you want to create an Amsterdam chapter and what 
is the beneficial of it? Or is the question just theoretical?


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