Also, I'd like to add:

I feel it is deceptive that you use a pseudonym (Moldovan for
"Moldovan Citizen") rather than your real name. What do you have to
hide? Using your real name gives you more credibility.


2009/2/7 Mark Williamson <>:
> 2009/2/7 Cetateanu Moldovanu <>:
>> The point is you did not the yet renamed mo to mo-cyrl as stated here (
> "You"? I hope you realize this is a mailinglist. The majority of
> people who are getting these e-mails aren't capable of making such a
> change, myself included. This is just an annoyance for most of us.
>> I'll send a remind every month, I want to let you know this is important for
>> us.
> I think we understand that already. However, the developers are very
> busy. It's on their radar, they will do it eventually.
>> Also I feel responsible for this, since I wrote on my blog that
>> "mo.wikipedia becomes mo-cyrl.wikipedia" in November 2008, everyone was
>> happy, but It's February now and the change didn't come.
> Give it more time. In English there is a saying, "good things come to
> those who wait". Patience, please.
>>>Mark Williamson
>>>the way that most Moldavian-language schools
>>>teach Moldavian children to use Cyrillic in that territory
>> And if a English school in some country ruled by a army start to teach their
>> children to write English in Arabic, would you change en.wikipedia to Arabic
>> script too ?
> If that were the case, I wouldn't object to having a such a version of
> Wikipedia. Why should I? If it's being taught to children.
>> You should know that in Transitria there's a Russian army, and
>> it's not a democratic country(even if they say so), if you'll try to do any
> I don't care about the politics, that is irrelevant here. I can read
> Moldovan, and I have read all of your blogs and many of the articles
> related to this Wikipedia, and I have seen how people call it "Soviet
> Wikipedia" and things like that. However, when considering such
> issues, politics are not considered relevant by the Wikimedia
> Foundation. What is relevant is whether or not people actually are
> using a language, and that is very clear in this situation, although
> it is also clear that most of those people have no Internet access.
>> protest there here is what happening "In September 2007, the leader of the
>> Transnistrian Communist party, Oleg
>> Horjan<>,
> I'm familiar with the situation.
>> Also did you know "Despite the fact that Moldovans are around a third of
>> Transnistrian population, no ethnic Moldovans are members in the
>> Transnistrian council of ministers."
> It's true that ethnic Moldavians are underrepresented in the PMR
> government, but it's absolutely false to say that they aren't present
> at all. There are certainly Moldavian politicians in PMR. Also,
> independent polls by Western organizations show very clearly that the
> vast majority of Moldavian inhabitants of the area under PMR control
> support PMR independence.
>> "Transnistrian local authorities insist that public education for ethnic
>> Moldovans in their mother tongue is done using the Soviet-originated Moldovan
>> Cyrillic alphabet <>,
>> having restricted the usage of the Latin
>> script<>
>> "
> That paragraph isn't exactly NPOV.
>> A foreign power cannot decide in witch script our language on mo.wikipedia
>> should be.
> A foreign power?
>> And since in "Transnistrian council of ministers" there is no moldovian
>> representant, they have no right to say in witch script moldovans there
>> should be write, and I call you to delete mo.wikipedia for ever.
> This is somewhat deceptive. There are indeed Latin-script schools in
> PMR area, as far as I am aware, although they are small in number.
> Demand is not as huge as you imply; most people have more pressing
> concerns (such as putting food on the table).
> Mark

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