mike.wikipe...@gmail.com wrote:
> On 2009-06-01 00:18, Anthony wrote:
>> On Sun, May 31, 2009 at 6:05 PM, Thomas 
>> Dalton<thomas.dal...@gmail.com>wrote:  
>>> 2009/5/31 Ray Saintonge<sainto...@telus.net>:
>>>> Assuming that I were somewhere in rural Africa, and perfectly
>>>> functioning hardware with Wikipedia software loaded in dropped in front
>>>> of me from the sky like a magic Coke bottle from the Gods, how much
>>>> would I then be able to use that gift to get a better yield from my
>>>> little patch of  poor farm-land?
>>> Wikipedia could be *part* of a solution, it's never going to be a
>>> solution on its own. Wikipedia could be useful as part of an education
>>> system, but it can't be the whole thing.  
>> I just found another statistic.  Mobile networks cover roughly 80-90% of the
>> worlds population.
>> For them, using that mobile network is probably the most cost effective
>> solution.  For the rest, giving them enough of an education to have the
>> means to come live with the rest of us, is probably the most cost effective
>> solution.
> You also found any statistics on what prices for internet access through 
> mobile networks are? What proportion of the world's people can afford a 
> internet connection in the first place, and how many can afford a 
> connection which is useful to browse wikipedia?
> I'm just curious as I know someone - a westerner - working in Africa and 
> finding internet access hideously expensive. (chat and email ok, but she 
> tells that she avoids browsing the net as the cost is per downloaded MB)

Last I asked, broadband Internet access in India was about INR 1500 (32
US$), which is at least a week day salary for an Indian worker.
True, in theory, there are Internet cafes, but last I tried (in 2007)
they can be really used for looking at Wikipedia (too slow).

Anyway the priorities are very far from being able to access any online
resources. Even when there is a phone, often it doesn't work because
people can't pay the bill.

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