John at Darkstar wrote:
> Alex skrev:
>> John at Darkstar wrote:
>>>> Hmm? There's no reason to do anything like that. The AbuseFilter would
>>>> just prevent sitewide JS pages from being saved with the particular URLs
>>>> or a particular code block in them. It'll stop the well-meaning but
>>>> misguided admins. Short of restricting site JS to the point of
>>>> uselessness, you'll never be able to stop determined abusers.
>>> A very typical code fragment to make a stat url is something like
>>> document.write('<img scr="' + server + digest + '">');
>>> - server is some kind of external url
>>> - digest is just some random garbage to bypass caching
>>> This kind of code exists in so many variants that it is very difficult
>>> to say anything about how it may be implemented. Often it will not use a
>>> document.write on systems like Wikipedia but instead use createElement()
>>> Very often someone claims that the definition of "server" will be
>>> complete and may be used to identify the external server sufficiently.
>>> That is not a valid claim as many such sites can be referred for other
>>> purposes. 
>> Other purposes that have valid uses loading 3rd party content on a
>> Wikimedia wiki? Like what?
> If you don't trust other sites you also has to accept that you can't
> trust ant kind of «toolserver» where you don't have complete control.
> That opens a lot of problems

Its not just a matter of trust, its a matter of use. Why would people be
loading content from or linking to servers used to collect website stats
in the sitewide JS on a Wikimedia wiki?

>>> Note also that the number of urls will be huge as this type of
>>> service is very popular, not to say that anyone that want may set up a
>>> special stat aggregator on an otherwise unknown domain.
>>> Basically, simple regexps are not sufficient for detecting this kind of
>>> code.
>> I don't think I said it would be perfect, the idea isn't to 100% prevent
>> it, just to try to stop the most obvious cases like Google analytics.
> Its not that it won't be perfect, it simply will not work.

And anything more complex would likely be too complicated and/or too
inefficient to be worthwhile.

> John
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