No, really, you need to discuss this on wikien-l instead of here. This
has been explained to you by multiple people on multiple occasions. I'd
suggest someone enforce that if need be.


On Fri, 2009-07-24 at 12:24 -0700, stevertigo wrote:

> On Fri, Jul 24, 2009 at 12:09 PM, Chad<> wrote:
> > I don't care who's proposing it, to be honest. My issue is that
> > this thread does not belong on foundation-l, which others seem
> > to agree since I first said so some 14 posts ago. Take it back
> > to wikien-l, /please/.
> If you could offer some actual substantive points - as I have in
> point-by-point form - for why this belongs elsewhere, I might just do
> exactly that.
> Though crossposting is also an option, if one likes integrating things as I 
> do.
> -Steven
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