Thomas Dalton wrote:
> While that is true, it is also important to remember that most people
> setting up a chapter have next to no experience of running a
> non-profit. They don't know what is and isn't appropriate to spend
> donations on, they don't necessarily know what needs to done and just
> because they know their culture in general doesn't mean they know how
> the charity sector works in their country. The Foundation could
> provide a lot of advice on those issues. While I don't doubt that the
> Portuguese Wikimedians are acting in good faith, trust requires two
> things - good faith and competence. They are almost certainly not
> competent since they haven't had an opportunity to develop that
> competence yet, so they should not be trusted to be making the right
> decisions.

I think this is very rude. Why do you assume that people wanting to
create a Wikimedia chapter are incompetent? You need to have a bit more
trust for people you have never met and you don't know.


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