On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 12:43 PM, Thomas Dalton <thomas.dal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2009/10/8 George Herbert <george.herb...@gmail.com>:
>> Red Cross volunteers do a little bit of prep work, typically, and a
>> little training each year.  And then a disaster hits and they drop
>> everything and respond.
> Are most Red Cross volunteers directly involved in disaster response?
> I would expect most of them to be doing fundraising, education and
> publicity, and long term projects.

My experience - which may not be typical - is that they have a few
people doing training instruction (first aid / first responder
training, disaster training etc), a lot of people who are actual
disaster responders (with much of the first group, and many  more),
and relatively few doing other stuff.

I don't know what their statistics are, though, so I don't know if my
experience is statistically valid across their volunteer set...

-george william herbert

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