In a message dated 11/7/2009 9:13:01 PM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> And how do you answer them? Based on your experience of what is
> usually accepted on the list in question? Who should I ask that has
> more experience of these lists than I do?>>

Ok I will begrudgingly accept the position of Supreme Knower of the Minds 
of List Participants.  It's a difficult position, but I psychically feel my 
public clamoring for my expertise.  So henceforth all list posters, must 
submit to me first, their postings and I will decide what's of interest to all, 
and what's not and act accordingly.

There is no need to thank me for my magnaminity.

P.S. I cannot help that some will read this message with "tone", where no 
such tone is implied or intended.

Will Johnson
foundation-l mailing list

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