2009/12/12 Geoffrey Plourde <geo.p...@yahoo.com>:

> The only reason the servers and internet access produce CO2 emissions is 
> because of the defective and antiquated energy production systems we use 
> across the world. As we move towards more efficient and "cleaner" means of 
> energy production, the carbon footprint should decrease.
> Moving servers to Scandinavia would be interesting, but a unsound logistical 
> idea. I agree that it would be a effective reuse of energy, but I am 
> concerned about the access problem of relocating assets in one region. Now, 
> placing new servers in Scandinavia on a grid so that the energy production 
> can be reused is not a bad idea, but would be something for the chapters 
> there to look at.

Iceland! Geothermal energy!

- d.

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